Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I felt cheated...


Lonely? nope...

4 seasons? create 4 different feelings... ;)

Looking is doing something...hehehehehe

There's nothing wrong to show your feeling....


I dunno how to express what i feel right now...deep inside me i felt cheated by someone i tried to gain trust but...i dunno...so many times before i try to entice my own self to not having bad thought towards this person but i guess 5 minutes ago all my effort was useless...

I will try to be strong...i have families and friends which i need to spend more time with them (besides my pets)...i never regret to know this person...this person did teach me a lot about life...being your own self is important...feel the freedom and do what you think is best and it can make you appreciate life more...i discover a lot of new things i did enjoy doing...i love cooking...i love green plants planting...i love barbecue...i love exercising...i love what i did right now...i love myself...

I would love to say thank you and feel very grateful towards Allah...Alhamdulillah for giving me the opportunity to understand and know myself better...for giving me all the wonderful people around me...give me feelings that make life merrier...for not let me being an emotionless person...i laugh...i cry..i smile...i smirk...all of them need feelings...so thank you...



Wednesday, March 4, 2009




Last weekend was a bbq craze...hehehehe i bought 2 new bbq sets...this weekend is our gathering event at taman pertanian malaysia...there will be a bbq during the gathering...we are doing potluck and i was going to do bbq...fish...one of us will bring the chicken...so we had distributing all the menus so that there will be no 2 people bringing the same menu...we want it to be variety...eventhough there are only 8 person confirmed to come but i guess it will be quite an event...there will be a lot to catch up...can't wait for the time to come...so last sunday and monday i did practice (hehehehe not really...it just that when there is a new bbq set...then i have to try to use it) on my verandah (as i live in an apartment) to do small bbq for 2 person...me n my housemate (and of course for comel and manja-all the bones)...it takes quite a time for it to properly cooked but it worth it...

Last week and this week the office telephone was ringing and most of it make the receptionist angry...usually when you want to ask for the boss' telephone number...the staff will not be allowed to give it eventhough the caller told that he was an old friend or other lame excuses...you will be asked to leave a message and phone number so that the boss can call back if you are really his friend or someone he knew...then when you dealing with a formal call you should have some manner...you just can't simply use harsh voice and language so that people on the other side will entertain you properly and in a good manner too...all the matter can be settled nicely and quickly...so people out there...please have a good manner even when talking to your friends..

I'm taking half day leave today to settle certain things...hope everything will be fine...AMIN



Sunday, March 1, 2009


Me the septemberian...

* Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur.
* Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur.
* Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik.
* Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap.
* Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati.
* Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur.
* Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna.
* Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui.
* orang yang banyak berfikir.
* Daya pentaakulan yang baik.
* Otak bijak & mudah belajar.
* Suka mencari maklumat.
* Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia.
* Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong.
* Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya.
* Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan.
* Terlalu memilih pasangan.
* Sukakan benda yang luas.
* Bersistematik