Thursday, January 15, 2009

TAU 8977

Proud parents and aunties and uncle...congrats

Kat dalam library...besar n seram je

Bee on flower

Delayed train to Sydney for 2 hours...

Southern Cross Station for trains and buses...all under 1 roof...

Tunggu city tram round Melbourne...

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Opera House

Loh and Asiah at one of the park...santai...

Visit Malaysia advertisement di one of the subway

Atas feri round perairan Sydney...

Kat Victoria Harbour...


Hmmmm esok balik besut...nak jumpa ngan TAU 8977...hehehehe my new cute blue car...eventhough sedih nak lepaskan BGP cute white car sebab it was my first car...banyak jasa dia for me...bape kali da bawak balik besut...bring me here and there but i guess it was time for me to move on and welcome a new thing in my life...i had been thinking a lot about this and my conclusion was the right time to welcome 2009 by buying something big...buying a new car is a big thing in my life...and ending the 2008 by traveling to aussie is another big thing...hope to end 2009 by doing something big also...a wedding maybe...doakan ye...hehehehe...AMIN...

BGP 3080 is a white kancil...i bought a second hand car and i choose the old model of kancil because i don't really like the new kancil design...especially the dashboard and the aircond outlet...for me the old design is best friend's father carikan BGP 3080...puas hati sesangat sebab dapat what i wish for...huhu sedih la plak nak hantar dia kat tuan agent da jumpa pembeli jadi sampai je besut terus berpindah tangan...hope my BGP 3080 akan dijaga baik-baik by the new owner...thanks for being very helpful all this while...

TAU 8977 is a blue is my favourite colour and also it has my birth date printed on it...8 September 1977...specially booked...hehehehe ingat TAU 8977 is my birth date...selama ni memang berangan nak dapatkan kereta with my birth date as the plate number...Alhamdulillah akhirnye tercapai and the colour hampir-hampir a history sebab viva biru tinggi permintaan dia and my agent cakap kalau nak cepat i have to take other colour...but i refused and cakap kat dia i can wait as long as it is a blue kesian kat dia kelam kabut gi cari and finally...Alhamdulillah last monday keta sampai n skang ada at my sis's porch...esok nak balik jumpa TAU 8977...doakan my journey balik and pulang dengan selamatnya...

Okay...enough on the car...ada citer sikit about comel my lovely cat...rasanye dia tak pregnant as i suspected before...selalu gak duk gosok2 perut dia yg da semakin membesar tu tapi can't detect any baby...maybe perut makin besar sebab makan banyak or memang ada baby tapi still tak dapat rasa by hand dari i guess kena tunggu dulu la...kalau dia pregnant bagus gak...hehehe dapat kittens...dulu jaga comel pun sejak dia least ada la jugak kawan...

Kat sini saya letakkan gambar-gambar masa ke aussie sikit...ini mana yang ada dalam simpanan and from my nephew...hehehehe congrats on your convo...ingat ar...kalau naik pangkat kena blanje...hehehehe

Hope u enjoy the reading and pictures...jaga diri dan doakan untuk saya...



Izrul Zainal Abidin said...

hohooo.. tenkiu for the wish.. selamat berkereta baru.. bolehlaa nanti ramai2 tumpang pegi keje.. huhuuu

wanroslina said...

hehehehe welcome2...tq tq...cheh habis promote satu office...ingat ar tokey keli...sehari=sekor keli...hehehehe

Afrah said...

kaklong doakn sumer impian moksu tercapai..amiin ;D

wanroslina said...


terima kasih kak long...semoga impian kak long juga tercapai...sayang kak long ;*