Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blur n tak sabar...


Dunno why tak dapat tido...maybe da terlebih tido hari minggu ari tu kot...anyway...teringat plak da lama tak write something here...nothing much to write but along the way ada la citer2 yg kuar nanti...skang tgh duk kat ruang my housemate still bercuti until next the house is all mine for the whole week...da terbiasa duk sowang2 jadi takde la terasa sunyi sangat...lg pun ada comel n biru as my teman...hehehe tadi 2-2 kena mandikan...patutnya mandikan dia sabtu ari tu but when balik dari PD that evening...penat la plak n kesian la nak mandikan...sejuk plak...balik from office tadi cuaca apa lagi mandikan la 2-2 tu...

Bukak peti ais ternampak bekal from my sis dari kampung mertua di usual rendang ayam n rendang daging n nasi impit n lemang n 2 extra things this year...buah dokong n daging korban...i dun expect there is a raw meat inside so just letak kat dalam fridge...jadi tadi terus potong2 n quarter of it buat daging tandoori panggang...hehehehehehe sodap n this week akan makan daging everyday as it is not good to keep daging korban lama2...nak tunggu my housemate balik next week lama nak kena rancang what kindda masakan for the daging...tomorrow mesti dapat idea...

This month is the month of holiday...starting from the 8th...raya haji...tomorrow is sultan selangor's birthday...on the 25th is christmast...on the 29th is awal well as i took a long holiday starting from the 18th till new took only 8 days from my annual leave and i get the extra 7 days for free...hehehehe that was the part for 'tak sabar' on my title...TAK SABAR nak the work at the office keep i really need that holiday...

So i guess nak kena tido dulu la...pagi ni nak keja lagi...hehehehe hope to get more motivation to carry on till the 17th...gambatte kudasai....Insya Allah lebih semangat at the office...AMIN


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