Sunday, November 16, 2008

Missing my life...


Da lama tak buat catatan kat sini...sibuk memang sibuk sampai masa utk diri sendiri pun mcm da takde...kadang2 rasa sedih but what to goes on...rindu ngan family yang duk jauh2...luckily i also have family near me right now...hehehe eventhough kadang2 gaduh2 kecik...that what makes it more sweeter to have family nearby...baru terasa suasana family...guwau2...gaduh2...manja2...mengada2...n what happy family do...loving and take care of each other...i love my family very much...thank you for making me smile even on my hardest day...

Baru sekarang terasa masa dengan family semakin sikit...eventhough selalu calling2 but its different...even my time with friends pun da sikit...e-mail...sms...calling...friendster...facebook...bla bla bla...still not enough...bila boley face to face baru la dikira sebagai true time meeting...

Sekarang i have to devote my time more to my job...i enjoy my job and i know sekarang tanggungjawab makin berat...i can't let down what people expect from me...after some incident...i knew i have to sacrifice my time for my job...i have to manage my life so that i have time for pets...and most important for i need to learn good time management...

My tido time da kurang...thats good...even on weekends pun tido tak dipanjangkan...hehehehe now i planted new way to spend time for myself...looking at the plants growing satisfy me...even watching my pets sleep also make me feel really calm...oh i got a new cat named BIRU...i'll post her pics later and also the plants' pics...she's still adapting with new life...even comel need her time to welcome new friend in her life...

Last few months i had been into facebook...meeting my long lost friends since 1996...wah...masing2 da ada kerjaya yg mantap n family yg bahagia...for me...i only got 1 out of 2...still waiting to build the 2nd criteria...i wonder who and when that will be...some of them ada yang like me...ada yg da separated...ada yg 'over' enjoyed their life...masing2 ada hal masing2 but still terkejut with some of them...yeah after almost 10 years tak jumpa...they are planning a reunion...hehehehe still can't make up my mind nak pegi ke tak...

Since puasa i had been in training...quite memeningkan sebab its new and i was handling 2 totally different and design engineering...hahahahaha but i guess now i become good at both fields...but i'm still learning and try to cope with both fields...sebab tu la i need to devote more time to my jobs...doakan for me...hope after my long holiday in december...i will be a new and better person in Islam and my job...

Sometimes takut sebab umo makin meningkat...eventhough kerjaya makin stabil but i'm still alone...besides my family...friends and pets...thats it...but i guess Allah knows best...He already have plan for me...Alhamdulillah...bersyukur dan redha...

Tomorrow....hmmmm its already 1.27 a.m and its today....not less than 7 hours ada gotong-royong at my area...then ada kenduri di dengkil...going with my best friend...her officemate just temankan dia...before this masa training mana ada masa on weekends...last weekend starting my merdeka last week i try to peram my tido on sunday but tak berjaya...hehehehe i guess my body can't accept anymore i woke up basuh baju n kemas2 umah...buat pape yg patut...then cook food...hehehehe da lama tak masak...main2 ngan comel and biru...masa ni both tak boley duduk dekat lagi...but today still the same...when one of them at the living room...another one will be in the kitchen...can not duduk in one place of the SPCA volunteer i met told will take at least 2 weeks for them to get use with one i guess by next week they can play together...

Exactly after my training on saturday last week i went out to celebrate my merdeka...only makan2 n beli2 barang je...then me n my best friend duduk2 kat bangku sambil tgk2 org lalu lalang...actually that was the first time we duduk melepak mcm tu...ada la about 1 hour jugak...or i guess lebih...lost track of time...seronok jugak tgk gelagat org...just looking on different view of life...banyak gak teori yg kitaorg reka2 sendiri...but at the end of the day...its only for fun...

So i guess i need to stop for now...kali ni tak sempat nak upload pics lagi...maybe next time...feel sleepy already...take care...luv my myself...


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